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Natascha Langelaan
Natascha Langelaan

Find Sweden Hiking & Trekking Trips

Toftan, Ektorp, Voxnan, Hemsjö and Kallax; they are all beautiful places in Sweden. Yet most people associate these names with garbish bins, benches, bath towels, candles, and hanging systems. All because of a blue and yellow furniture giant. Yet it is time the world knew that these, and many other names, belong to beautiful places in Sweden. Places that are waiting to be discovered. And what better way to discover them than by hiking? Hiking in Sweden offers something for everyone. Rugged mountains on the border with Norway, vast forests with countless lakes in the south, and of course Swedish Lapland, where you can take beautiful walks in summer and winter. Sweden is sparsely populated and a large part of the country is uninhabited. This gives endless possibilities for walking in unspoiled nature.

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