Climbing Mount Triglav: Become a True Slovenian

Rintsje Bosch
Rintsje Bosch
28 Feb 2024 19 min read
Climbing Mount Triglav: Become a True Slovenian
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The roof of Slovenia and a guaranteed challenge, that's Mount Triglav (2864m)! The highest peak in the Julian Alps is Slovenia's national pride and a must for adventure-seekers. You reach the summit in just two days, stay overnight in mountain huts and finally get the chance to take out your via Ferrata equipment. That’s right, Mount Triglav is a mountain peak where you climb to the top! At least for the last 400m to the summit. Once at the top, your climbing gear can be taken off for a while and you can look for the best spot to capture the Aljaž Tower. Going for an adventure full of challenges and traditions? Then opt for a trek to Mount Triglav.

Mount Triglav, a mythical mountain that actually has three peaks, is Slovenia's national symbol and is even displayed on its flag. The literal translation of Triglav is Three Heads, which explains it all! The climb to Mount Triglav is well known to us, since our colleague lived in Ljubljana (Slovenia's capital) for a while and knows what it feels like to reach the top. 'This mountain has everything you are looking for and even offers what you are not looking for. After reading this blog, you'll know if this Slovenian gem is your match.

Is Mount Triglav for Me?

Probably the most important question to ask, because by now you know there is also climbing to be done. And so it is, because despite the challenge in the final section to the summit, it is doable for someone of average fitness. Mount Triglav has numerous excellent trails from several surrounding valleys winding to the top. It is a mountain, which should be taken seriously because of its height and steepness at the very top. The via ferrata provides an extra challenge! But what exactly does the via ferrata mean?

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Via Ferrata on Mount Triglav

Via ferrata means ‘iron path’. The term Klettersteig is also used. It is a reference to permanent measures to safely traverse steep and rocky terrain, think of ladders, safety wires or metal pegs. But do you have to be a mountaineer to climb Mount Triglav?

Definitely not! You can reach the summit of Mount Triglav even without climbing experience. However, it is important that you are not afraid of heights and are comfortable in rocky terrain. Whichever route you take, the final section to the summit is always a via ferrata, with each route having its own difficulty. You will wear a climbing harness with two carabiners that allow you to secure yourself. Wear a helmet for protection from falling rocks and climbing gloves for extra grip. That's it!

Our colleague also remembers the via ferrata quite well: 'The last part of the route up to the summit was absolutely unforgettable. The better climbing and scrambling, I loved it! After a short night in Vodnikov Dom, we left in the dark for the last part to the summit. With hands and feet upward, I did not feel a moment of fear. I will never forget the sunrise from the summit.'

Via Ferrata on Mount Triglav

How to Get To Triglav National Park?

There are several routes leading to Mount Triglav, each with its own starting point. From the Krma Valley, you can start with several routes to the summit. At the end of the valley, you'll find the Plemenice Route, the most challenging of all. To the west of the Krma Valley is the Vrata Valley, here you can start several routes to the summit as well. Both valleys are north of Mount Triglav and begin in the village of Mojstrana. From the capital Ljubljana, you can travel here by bus and train.

South of Mount Triglav you will also find several starting points, such as Lake Bohinj or Bled. Bled is the country's most famous landmark, its fairytale scene has amazed many visitors. Bled lies at the beginning of the valley, and at the end you'll find Lake Bohinj. From Ljubljana, you have a direct bus connection to Bled, or travel by train to Lesce-Bled. Lake Bohinj is a bit more difficult to reach, our colleague knows: 'Perhaps the most beautiful part of Slovenia, Lake Bohinj. I know there are several buses going to Stara Fuzina (a village next to the lake) every day, but I have never used them. Taking public transport to Bled and giving a thumbs-up waiting for a lift. I never had to wait long and I could practice my Slovenian during this half-hour ride.' Hitchhiking in Slovenia is very common and it makes your adventure a little more authentic.

And we don't want to keep Planica a secret. This ski jump complex is located at the beginning of the Planica Valley, at the end you can also start a trek to Mount Triglav. Maybe the zipline is for you, then you can experience for a moment what it is like to be a ski jumper.

How to Get To Triglav National Park?

Mount Triglav Hike - In 2 or 3 Days?

Such a challenge is wonderful, but how long will it take? Climbing Mount Triglav can be done in 2 or 3 days. Meanwhile, you know several starting points for a Mount Triglav climb. Whether you start in Mojstrana, Bohinj, Bled or perhaps Planica, the program often appears the same. Once you arrive at the starting point, you trek to a mountain hut below the summit of Mount Triglav for an overnight stay. The night is often short, you start the ascent of Mount Triglav early in the morning. With a bit of luck, you will reach the top at sunrise and can enjoy the view with ease.

On a 2-day trek, you descend via the same path to return to the starting point. On a 3-day variant, you cross Mount Triglav to make a loop, obviously with a second night in a mountain hut. Of course, you can explore the Julian Alps even further, for instance in 5 days.

Our colleague also remembers which route he took: 'We drove by car to Pokljuka, arriving at Vodnikov Dom in about 3 hours. Early in the morning, we crossed Mount Triglav to descend to Lake Bohinj via Koca na Dolicu. We actually did a 3-day trek in 2 days, completely exhausted at the end!'

Mount Triglav Hike - In 2 or 3 Days?

Mount Triglav Guided Hike or Not?

By now, you know more about the challenge ahead. Next question to be answered: Would you like to travel independently or be accompanied by a local guide?

With a guide

We at can imagine that you still have some doubts, especially about the last part to the summit of Mount Triglav. In that case, it's best to opt for a guided trek. A local guide who knows all the ins and outs and can support you if needed. You won't have to worry about the route to follow and you'll get to see some more hidden spots. With professional guidance, you will be led across the via ferrata section.

Without a guide

If you are familiar with via ferrata, then a self-guided trek is a good option for you. You are on your own, but you will always have help available remotely. All the equipment is provided you need for the via ferrata, you will be familiar enough with it to get to the summit on your own.

Mount Triglav Guided Hike or Not?

Mount Triglav Guided Hike (2 days)

You've read about the different starting points, the via ferrata and the option to go with or without a guide. Now let's put the whole thing into shape. For a guided trek to Mount Triglav, opt for a 2-day trek. For more information, continue reading the day-to-day program:


Ljubljana - Vrata Valley - Dom na Krederica (2515m)

Duration: 06:36 h
Distance: 12.5 km
Ascent: 1790 m
Descent: 200 m
On this 3-day trek, you will be guided by Dean Strosar, a local tour guide. Whether you are staying in Ljubljana, or in Bovec, Bled or Kranjska Gora, you will be picked up from your accommodation. The trek starts at the Vrata Valley and after about 5 hours you reach Dom na Kredarica (2515m), where you stay overnight.

Dom na Kredarici

Dom na Kredarici

Dom na Krederica (2515m) - Vrata Valley - Ljubljana

Duration: 05:23 h
Distance: 12.5 km
Ascent: 200 m
Descent: 1790 m
After breakfast, we descend from the mountain hut on Kredarica (2515 m) to Vrata valley (1015m), the end of this adventure.

Mount Triglav Map for a 2-Day Guided Trek

Here below you can find a Komoot map about the 2-day climb of Mount Triglav guided by our trusted local partner, Gotrek.

Climbing Mount Triglav Without A Guide (3 days)

This 3-day, self-guided ascent of Mount Triglav combined with the Triglav Lakes combines the best of both worlds. Self-guided, but with remote support where needed! And with a bit of luck you will encounter the alpine stonebuck, the ultimate mountain animal and also the logo of, along the way. Read on for a day-by-day description:


Lake Bohinj - Mostnica Gorge - Dom Planika pod Triglavom (2401m)

Duration: 07:41 h
Distance: 14.6 km
Ascent: 2000 m
Descent: 180 m

You will go by yourself to Lake Bohinj and from Stara Fuzina, the lakeside village, your walking adventure begins. After one and a half kilometres you will reach the Mostnica Gorge, a beautiful canyon with crystal clear blue water. Cross the Devil's Bridge into the Voje Valley. There is a nice legend about this bridge, perhaps a Slovene you meet on the way will tell you about it.

From there you will continue through the Voje Valley and arrive at your accommodation, Dom Planika pod Triglavom (2401 m), in the afternoon. After a hike of about 8 hours, you can enjoy a well-deserved rest.

Dom Planika pod Triglavom

Dom Planika pod Triglavom

Dom Planika pod Triglavom (2401m) - Mount Triglav (2864m) - Koca pri Triglavskih jezerih (1685m)

Duration: 07:04 h
Distance: 13.1 km
Ascent: 540 m
Descent: 1240 m
The next day starts early, and you face an immediate challenge! Today the via ferrata is on the programme, because only then can you reach the summit of Mount Triglav. After some supposed ticks against the butt with a rope and capturing the Alja Tower you will start the descent towards the Triglav Lakes. This day, too, you'll be on the road for at least eight hours, so once you arrive at Koca pri Triglavskih jezerih (1685m), the shoes come off and you can enjoy a tasty štruklji. Sleep well!

Koca pri Triglavskih jezerih

Koca pri Triglavskih jezerih

Koca pri Triglavskih jezerih (Triglav Lakes Valley Hut) (1685 m) - Lake Bohinj

Duration: 05:50 h
Distance: 14.5 km
Ascent: 440 m
Descent: 1580 m

Today is already the last day of your adventure. You will encounter several more lakes along the way until you reach the Komna Plateau. You will then descend to Lake Bohinj, where your hiking adventure will end. Optionally, you can take another 20-minute hike at the end of your hike to visit the famous Savica waterfall. The approximately 5-hour hike gives you space in the afternoon to explore some more of the surroundings, after which your adventure has come to an end..

Night on Mount Triglav, What to Expect?

During your ascent of Mount Triglav, you will stay in mountain huts. Mountain huts are simple, generally with fantastic mountain views, hearty cuisine and a warm atmosphere. In clear weather, you can enjoy a beautiful starry sky. The first hut of the Slovenian Mountain Society was built in 1893. Today, they manage 161 huts that accommodate more than 1.5 million hikers a year. The Julian Alps, with Mount Triglav as its highest point, has 43 mountain huts. The mountain huts are in most cases about 2 to 3 hours of hiking from each other. Wild camping is not allowed in this region, so you are bound to spend the night in mountain huts.

Some general information about the huts

Most mountain huts have limited facilities, so don't expect the luxury of a hotel. Not every mountain hut is the same, depending heavily on altitude and accessibility. Nevertheless, in general there is quite a bit to say:

  • Mountain huts offer a simple place to sleep in dormitories with bunk beds and simple mattresses. Room sizes can range from 2 beds to 30 beds, with the most common room size being around 8 beds.

  • Most mountain huts cannot be reached by car; they are supplied by helicopter. This does affect comfort, but all the more cosy and authentic.
  • The karst landscape that surrounds the mountain huts prevents the formation of surface water. So at high altitudes, there is no drinking water available. Toilets, however, are available in most mountain huts. If showers are available, be prepared to pay a few euros extra (3-5) for this luxury.
  • Most huts offer food and drinks at reasonable prices. A menu of traditional Slovenian dishes such as various stews, Carniola sausage or a tasty štruklji to top it off. Our colleague was also served another meal at the mountain hut: 'I can also remember Jota, a savory and affordable meal of sauerkraut and beans topped off with a pork sausage.'
  • Most mountain huts that cannot be reached by vehicle are open only during the summer season. This depends on the snow, which usually disappears sometime in May or June, depending on the altitude. In September or October, most mountain huts close their doors. However, winter rooms are available for the winter months, which are unlocked rooms separate from the hut and similar to a bivouac.

Night on Mount Triglav, What to Expect?

Mount Triglav Weather, When to Go and What to Expect?

Treks to the summit of Mount Triglav are available between June and October, outside these months the mountain huts in this region are closed. July and August are the most popular months, temperatures range between 10 °C and 25 °C. The mountains provide cool air when temperatures rise in lower areas. Summer weather in the mountains is quite cool; when it heads towards 30°C on the Slovenian plains, it is only 10°C at the top of Mount Triglav. On the hottest summer days, the weather in the mountains can change quickly. Thunderstorms are relatively common during this period and they develop quickly in the late afternoon. July and August are very popular for locals, the mountain huts are pleasantly crowded.

In the pre-season and post-season (June, September and October), temperatures are slightly lower and you can enjoy the mountain trails without the summer heat or winter cold. In the early and late seasons, you will meet fewer people along the way. It is often below freezing at night and snow can remain in nooks and crannies during this period. The weather on the mountain is very variable during this period, one day it is comfortably warm, and one day later you will need a winter jacket. Make sure you are ready for that. Don't underestimate the extreme and unpredictable weather in the mountains, come prepared for all weather conditions

Mount Triglav Weather, When to Go and What to Expect?

Packing List for the Mount Triglav Climb

It doesn't matter where you are trekking or for how long: carrying the right equipment with you is paramount. For a hiking trip in the mountains, a good is backpack essential. Its size will depend on how many days you will be spending in the mountains, the season, and the clothes you will be taking with you. We have prepared a packing list with some essential clothing that you should include and some extras that you may find useful:
  • Essentials

  • Extras

What About Costs?

To climb Mount Triglav, you should think of costs between €200 and €350. This depends on the number of days and also whether you climb the summit accompanied by a guide. Should you be on the trail with a guide, you may also tip as a sign of good service, not unusual in the trekking world. In that case, assume around € 5-6 per day.

Most meals and drinks in the mountain huts have normal prices, but water, soft drinks and beer are relatively expensive. For a cup of coffee, you pay € 2, and for a beer about double. Enjoy a hearty meat stew for around € 8 or a sandwich for € 6. Note that the huts do not accept debit cards! Only cash. Don't feel the need to worry about this? Then opt for our organized treks, with and without a guide.

Safe Hiking Tips for the Mount Triglav Climb

When going on walking holidays it is wise to be aware of a few points. Even if this is not your first time, you should never underestimate the mountains. Good tour planning and compliance with the regulations in the mountains will significantly increase safety. To ensure that your hiking holiday is a safe and enjoyable experience, here below you can find a list of 8 recommendations for safe hiking in the mountains:
  • Know your limits

    Hiking the Mount Triglav Climb is the perfect outlet to escape from daily life. It is an endurance sport along with a beautiful nature experience with a positive effect on body and mind —as long as one is in good shape and has a realistic picture of one's possibilities and limits—. Never overestimate yourself or underestimate the route. Don't overdo it! Always choose the slower option and take more time for your plans. Hiking under time pressure is not fun and at too fast a pace it can be dangerous. Be wise!

  • Plan carefully

    Good planning is half the work! Hiking maps, literature, the Internet and expert advice are invaluable when planning the route of the Mount Triglav Climb and enable you to determine the length, altitude difference, difficulty and conditions of the hike. When planning group treks, the itinerary should always be planned for the weakest member of the group! The weather in the mountains can change incredibly quickly and rain, wind and cold all increase the risk factor. For this reason, always check the weather forecast beforehand and contact our trekking experts to find your way before you start.

  • Be fully equipped

    Equipment is everything. In the most extreme case, it makes the difference between life and death, and in any case, it definitely makes the difference between having fun and having a bad time. Food and water, sunscreen and waterproof and warm clothes must always be in your backpack, as well as a first aid kit and a mobile phone with a full battery (in case there is an emergency). However, packing light makes hiking easier, so don't take too much extra luggage with you. Your equipment should always be suitable for the terrain you'll be hiking on in the Mount Triglav Climb.

  • Wear suitable footwear

    Good walking shoes protect your feet and provide a better fit. Shoes with a good fit, with non-slip soles, water-resistant and lightweight are a must for additional walking pleasure during the Mount Triglav Climb. Trail running shoes are great for a weekend in the mountains, but on longer hikes or more technical trails, you'll want at least A/B hiking boots. That means it is recommended wearing high mountain shoes that are water-repellent with extra ankle support to prevent sprains.

  • Stay on marked trails

    Mount Triglav Climb has endless marked hiking trails, which are controlled and maintained and should not be deviated from. It may be tempting, but it's not a good idea to take shortcuts or alternative routes through unmarked terrain. It increases the risk of disorientation and you're more likely to get lost and have accidents or fall in the mountains. Even steep slopes of packed old snow are often underestimated and dangerous. Are you in doubt? Better don't do it. For easy navigation we work with our trusted partner Komoot, whose interactive maps, also available offline, provide you with the necessary digital means to get from A to B. As a backup, make sure to bring a hiking guide or a paper map with you. FYI, 75% of stumbles occur due to carelessness on marked paths or roads, not in open terrain!

  • Take regular breaks

    Remember you're on a hiking holiday. Timely and regular breaks not only provide welcome relaxation but also make it possible to enjoy the Mount Triglav Climb. The body needs a regular food and drink intake to maintain performance and concentration. Our advice is that if you have little time, it's better to follow the short itinerary than to speed up the long one.

  • Stay reachable

    If you are hiking solo or in small groups it is advisable to inform people back home about your plans, what route you are taking and when you plan to return. Even small incidents can lead to unpleasant emergencies so make sure you are available at all times. Bring a charged phone containing at least the phone numbers of immediate family members, your accommodations en route and the emergency phone numbers operating on the Mount Triglav Climb.

  • Respect nature

    Leave no rubbish behind, prevent noise, stay on the marked trails, do not disturb wildlife or grazing animals, and respect protected areas.

Where Can I Book the Mount Triglav Climb?

At you can book the self-guided Mount Triglav Climb and many other treks. We take care of all the details for you, including arranging accommodations and providing you with relevant information well in advance of your trek. Find our offers here. Our easy-to-use platform allows you to browse and compare different trekking options and to find the perfect fit for your interests, abilities, and budget.

If you have any questions about a specific trek or need help choosing the right one for you, our team of trekking experts is here to assist you. Simply reach out to us and we will be happy to provide you with personalized recommendations and advice to help you plan the trekking adventure of a lifetime.

Is the Mount Triglav Climb not your cup of tea and are you looking for other epic adventures? Check out one of our following blog posts:


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