Maureen Ypma

Mountains and islands

Find that one special trekking
Maureen Ypma

Hooked On Travel

At the age of 15 Maureen traveled to Ethiopia as an ambassador for the charity Edukans. This trip truly opened her world and mind and she’s been hooked on travel ever since. “As part of my Tourism study I was lucky enough to do an internship in New Zealand. It was meant to be for a few months but I stuck around for three years! That’s where I discovered the mountains, doing photoshoots with well-known outdoor brands like Katmandu.” Favorite hike in New Zealand? “No doubt that is the Gertrude Saddle in Milford Sound. On the top it is hands down the best view I have ever seen.” Maureen has a thing for mountain summits. Why? “Obviously the views but reaching the highest point on a mountain gives a sense of achievement. I love that feeling.”
Hooked On Travel

The Islands of the Atlantic

At Maureen looks after our destinations in the south of Europe, including the Canary Islands, Madeira and the Azores. She started her position in January 2024. “In this job my passion for travel, my qualifications and the fact that the headquarters is in my hometown Leeuwarden all came together. Somehow it was meant to be!” Which trek in her area captures her imagination? “The Madeira Trail! It looks absolutely stunning and of course it’s nice you can climb the island’s highest mountain, Pico Ruivo”, she smiles. Her final top tip on what to bring on multi-day hikes? “Wet wipes! They weigh almost nothing but still keep you clean-ish if having a shower is not an option.”
The Islands of the Atlantic

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