Alta Via 2 in The Dolomites: Map, Via Ferrata, Itinerary and More!

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Alta Via 2 in The Dolomites: Map, Via Ferrata, Itinerary and More!
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You want to tackle the Alta Via 2 in the Dolomites? Of the 6 Alta Via's that you can find in the Dolomites, the Alta Via's 1 and 2 are by far the most popular and, the most favored hut-to-hut walking tours in Italy. On you can both itineraries and our trekking specialists agree on one thing unanimously: the Alta Via 2 is the most strenuous. Are hut-to-hut treks new to you? If so, do the Alta Via 1 instead. The Alta Via 2 is not a walk in the park, on the contrary. The full 13-day route includes sharp ridges, Via Ferratas and steep slopes. Are you brave enough to tackle the Alta Via 2? Here's everything you need to know about the route, maps, Via Ferrata, stages and more!

The Dolomites are a dramatic mountain range located in north-eastern Italy and offer its visitors serrated limestone peaks, sheer cliffs, shimmering alpine lakes, and deep, narrow valleys. These breathtaking mountains offer trekkers one of the most exciting and unique trekking adventures you can experience in Europe. If you want to conquer the famous and challenging Alta Via 2, we are here to help you! With the right preparation, every trek is possible!

Where Is the Alta Via 2?

The Alta Via 2 is a 160 km hiking trail in the Dolomites in northeastern Italy. The Dolomites span the provinces of Belluno, South Tyrol, and Trentino. The name of this group of mountains comes from the French geologist who discovered the Dolomite mineral, Deodat de Dolomieu, in 1791. Most of the peaks of this mountain range are above 3,000 meters, and the highest peak at 3343 meters is Marmolada Peak. The route begins in Bressanone, also known as Brixen, and ends in Croce d'Aune. This popular hiking trail is part of a larger system of trails. In total, there are 6 Alta Vias in the Dolomites, all with different lengths and levels of difficulty.

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What Is the Best Season for the Alta Via N. 2 Delle Dolomiti?

The season of the Alta Via 2 begins June 15 and ends in late September. At we regularly receive requests to start earlier. Is this possible? Early in the season at higher altitudes, you can still find a lot of residual and compacted snow. It is wise to wait until the last week of June before you start. This way you can be almost sure that the snow is cleared from the trails and the paths are more passable and above all safer. For the same reason, it is advisable to go no later than mid-September. Most huts close already in the third week of September and also fickle weather in the mountains can cause dangerous situations. Regardless of the season, the weather in the mountains can be difficult to predict. It is always advisable to have an extra day in case of bad weather and to bring the proper gear.

What Is the Best Season for the Alta Via N. 2 Delle Dolomiti?

Did you know that we can book all huts and refuges for the Alta Via 2 for you? Check out all our options here.

How Do I Get To the Trailhead of the Alta Via 2 in the Dolomites?

The Alta Via 2 can be hiked in both directions, although most trekkers choose to start from the north and make their way southwards. From the north, the trail starts in Bressanone, also known as Brixen, and ends in Croce d’Aune.

Brixen / Bressanone

If you are flying to get to your Alta Via 2 adventure, the closest international airports to Brixen (in Italian Bressanone) are Venice and Innsbruck (Austria). If you live nearby, Brixen is located along the A22, the main corridor across the Alps in this region, which makes it easily accessible by car. Also, Bressanone can be easily reached by train or bus all year round.

Croce d’Aune

During the summer months, Croce d’Aune can be reached with regular Dolomiti buses to and from Feltre. After mid-September, however, buses are less frequent. The drive from Feltre to Croce d’Aune is quite short. If there are no buses at the time of your visit, you could take a taxi for about 20 Euros.

If you want to start or end the Alta Via 2 somewhere other than Brixen or Croce d'Aune, that is also possible. There are several points where you can get on and off the trail. It is still advisable to get to Bolzano, Brixen, Feltre or Croce d'Aune first and then take a bus from there to the starting point that you want. Possible starting or ending points on the Alta Via 2 are most passes and towns along the way, like Passo Gardena, Passo Pordoi, Passo Cereda, or Passo San Pellegrino.

What Is the Difference Between the Alta Via 1 and the Alta Via 2?

The Alta Via 1 and the Alta Via 2 are quite different trails. Despite being in the same mountain range and not that far away from each other, the difficulty of these trails is quite different. The Alta Via 1 can be completed by any trekker, novel or experienced, without much difficulty. The most important thing to take into account is the significant number of days that you will spend trekking. The Alta Via 2, however, is only advisable for experienced trekkers with surefootedness, experience in the mountains, and a head for heights. The Alta Via 2 includes sharp ridges, Via Ferratas, and steep slopes, which require some previous experience in the mountains.

What Is a Via Ferrata?

A via ferrata, in English "iron path", or in German "Klettersteig", is a protected climbing path with cables, ladders and iron supports attached to rock walls. There are several famous Via Ferratas in the world, the highest of which is on Kota Kinabalu, is one of them! The purpose of the Via Ferrata is to help trekkers on their way up. However, the Via Ferratas on the Alta Via 2 had a different purpose when they were built. During World War I, the Dolomites were the scene of battles between the Italian and Austro-Hungarian forces. The Via Ferratas were installed during those years to allow troops faster access to the front lines.

Most trekkers on the Alta Via 2 carry along a harness and a helmet as a safety measure. These items are not required, but if it helps you to feel more comfortable on the route, they are always welcome. Safety first!

What Is a Via Ferrata?

The Marmolada on the Alta Via 2, the Highest Peak in the Dolomites

At 3,343 meters, the Marmolada is the highest peak in the Dolomites. Its most prominent feature is the ridge, which runs from west to east. To the south it breaks suddenly into steep cliffs and to the north is a relatively flat glacier, the only major glacier in the Dolomites. The Marmolada is affectionately called the Queen of the Dolomites in the region. On the Alta Via 2 you do not climb the Marmolada, but the trail does loop past the starting point for climbs.

The Marmolada on the Alta Via 2, the Highest Peak in the Dolomites

Can I Camp on the Alta Via 2 in the Dolomites?

We'll get right to the point: wild camping is not allowed on the Alta Via 2. Hikers are required to spend the night in mountain huts, called rifugi in Italian. The good thing about spending the night in the huts is that you don't have to bring a tent, cooking kit, and the food for the 13 days. The rifugios vary in size and accommodation options, but they all offer a shower, a good night's sleep including half board with tasty local cuisine.

Can I Camp on the Alta Via 2 in the Dolomites?

At, we not only book your huts, we also send you on your way with a comprehensive hiking guide with the most important information for your Alta Via 2, including interactive Komoot maps. Browse all our options here and turn your dreams into reality.

Alta Via 2 From Day by Day (13 Days)

The Alta Via 2 can be completed in 11-14 days depending on your experience and physical condition. Below we have prepared a 13-day itinerary with stages ranging from 4 to 7 hours on foot per day:


Bressanone - Rifugio Plose

Duration: 01:15 h
Distance: 2.23 km
Ascent: 380 m
The starting point of the Alta Via 2 is at the station of the cable car in St. Andrea. It goes up to Valcroce and from here, path n° 7 starts towards the Rifugio Plose. A variant for the more experienced hikers is to walk up to the Rifugio Plose, starting directly from S. Andrea instead of taking the cable car. The path is quite steep but well-maintained and while walking you can enjoy the Dolomites and the flora and fauna of the Puez-Odle Nature Park. The Plose hut is the first stop on the Alta Via 2 and it is located at 2,447 m above the city of Bressanone.

Rifugio Plose

Rifugio Plose

Rifugio Plose - Rifugio Genova (Schlüterhütte)

Duration: 04:55 h
Distance: 13.3 km
Ascent: 540 m
Descent: 660 m
From Rifugio Plose, following path n° 4 and the signs of the Alta Via 2, you walk downhill for about 2 hours to the Rodella Pass. From here, after about 30 minutes, you will find yourself in front of the fork of Sass de Putia - the most challenging part of this stage of Alta Via 2. The Forcella della Pùtia appears in the background as an immense gateway to the enchanted kingdom of the Dolomites. To reach it you have to overcome an uphill difference in altitude of 500 meters. At first, the path is gentle, but it then follows some steep switchbacks (often with snow, even at the beginning of July) that climb up to the Forcella della Pùtia (Peitlerscharte), at 2357 meters. From the fork, follow path no. 4 southwest, flat and panoramic, to the Poma Pass (Kreuzkofeljoch, 2340 m), from which you can already see the Rifugio Genova, at 2297 m, to the southwest (30 minutes from Sass de Putia).

Rifugio Genova

Rifugio Genova

Rifugio Genova - Rifugio Puez

Duration: 05:35 h
Distance: 12.1 km
Ascent: 810 m
Descent: 650 m

From the Rifugio Genova-Schlüterhütte, at 2297 m, take path n. 3 which, after a stretch to the east, turns to the south along the eastern side of the Bronsoi with a splendid panorama of Odle and Puez. This is an area of great geological and floristic interest. At the altitude of 2421 m, the path turns to the southwest, passes above Munt de Medalges in the Natural Park Puez-Odle, and reaches the Fùrcia de Medalges (Kreuzjoch), at 2293 meters. Path no. 3 then runs east of the Campillerturm and Sass da l'Ega (Sasso dell'Acqua-Wasserkofele) and then crosses the long Longiarù Ridge. Go over the ridge until you reach a junction at an altitude of 2389 meters.

Then climb up to reach the Fùrcia dla Róa (Forcella della Rova-Roascharte), at 2617 meters. This saddle divides the Odle Group in the west from the Pùez Group in the east. Attention: at the beginning of the season it is possible to find hard snow in the gully and an ice axe or at least half crampons would be useful. Continuing along the route you descend southwards to a junction at an altitude of about 2500 m in a large debris basin. Here you leave path n. 3, which descends to the right (south-west) and join path n. 2. Path n. 2 will take you east to Fórces de Siëles, at 2505 meters.

After crossing the fork, you will find yourself in front of thin pastures. The Sassonghér appears in the distance, to the east. Now, path no. 2 turns to the north-east and becomes a thin path carved into the rock. The trail is not difficult and there are some metal ropes to help you. Then, after a flat stretch, the path descends eastwards through the wide grassy plain of Munt de Pùez, makes a wide Z, and heads eastwards once more up to the nearby Pùez Hut, at 2475 meters.

Rifugio Puez

Rifugio Puez

Rifugio Puez - Rifugio Franco Cavazza al Pisciadù

Duration: 04:30 h
Distance: 9.79 km
Ascent: 650 m
Descent: 550 m

From Rifugio Puez (Puezhütte, 2475 m), follow path n° 2 southeast and cross the vast plateau of the Puez where, in case of fog, you must look out for the signs. After the crossroads at an altitude of 2104 m, continue southwards to reach the Forcella de Ciampëi (or Somafùrcia, 2366 m). From here to Passo Gardena, path no. 2 will always go in a southwest direction. From the fork, you go up a little bit, until you reach Lech de Crespëina (Lake Crespèina-Crespeina See). From the small lake, with a steep ascent, you reach the Forcella de Crespëina, at 2528 meters. You then descend steeply and finally make a final climb through loose rock to the Forcella Cir (or Dantes les Pizes-Cirjoch, 2469 m).

From here on it's all a succession of gentle ups and downs, forks, boulders, small towers, and pastures until you reach the wide Dolomite saddle of Passo Gardena (Grödner Joch, 2121 m). It is best to leave the traffic and noise at Passo Gardena and trek on to the peaceful Rifugio Pisciadù. From the pass, follow path no. 666. After a while, path n. 666 climbs a narrow and rocky valley until it widens. Here you take the left and climb up through debris and loose rock. There may be some snow in this section of the trail (section equipped with fixed ropes). The trail then turns to the south-east and after a short descent, you reach the "Franco Cavazza" Rifugio at Pisciadù, 2585 meters.

Rifugio Franco Cavazza al Pisciadù

Rifugio Franco Cavazza al Pisciadù

Rifugio Pisciadù - Rifugio Castiglioni Marmolada

Duration: 07:20 h
Distance: 17.1 km
Ascent: 720 m
Descent: 1240 m

From Pisciadù Hut take path n. 666 southwards, along the eastern shore of the lake. Above the Val de Tita, there are two possibilities: an easier path, or a section equipped with fixed ropes. The path then continues on gravel and sometimes on patches of snow up to a saddle. The trail then goes up to Dante's Altipiano del Sella where, in case of fog, you must follow the signs very carefully. You then turn southwards, cross the plateau, and descend to Forcella d'Antersass, at 2861 m, where path n. 666 ends. You now start walking on path no. 647.

Continue south to the top of the Antersass (Zwischenkofel, 2907 m). You can circumvent the summit through the path on the right, but if the weather is nice it is worth taking a look from the top. You will then descend to Boè Hut (Bambergerhütte, 2871 m). From Boè Rifugio take path n. 627 up to Forcella Pordòi Rifugio (2829 m) from where you can enjoy a splendid panorama. At the rifugio, a wide and steep scree slope begins; you can follow the numerous switchbacks, or let yourself "slide" on the soft gravel. Finally, the path leads down to Passo Pordòi, at 2239 meters. From Passo Pordòi, take path 601 southwards, towards a chapel. Following the eastern slope of Sass Beccè, the trail leads to Rifugio Baita Fredarola, 2370 m. From Fredarola Rifugio, the path bends eastwards to enter the Vièl dal Pan (Path of Bread), an ancient path between the Val di Fassa and the Agordino. The path is wide and panoramic, especially on the Marmolada that stands out gigantic in front of it. At about halfway along the path there is the Rifugio Vièl dal Pan, 2432 m. From Rifugio Viel Dal Pan follow the path up to the junction with path n. 698. Follow path n. 601 to the south, then turn west along the steep meadows, until you reach the nearby Rifugio Castiglioni Marmolada (2044 m).

Rifugio Castiglioni Marmolada

Rifugio Castiglioni Marmolada

Rifugio Castiglioni Marmolada - Rifugio Contrin

Duration: 03:55 h
Distance: 11.3 km
Ascent: 490 m
Descent: 540 m
From Rifugio Castiglioni Marmolada descend to Pian Trevisan (1681m) along the "Via Neva" (path 605), an old mule track used in the past by tourists and porters to reach the top of the Marmolada. Continue through the forest to the village of Penia (1554m) and immediately after the village, ascend on the left to Val Contrin (path 602) via "Locia de Contrin" (1736m) to the mountain hut of the same name (2016m).

Rifugio Contrin

Rifugio Contrin

Rifugio Contrin - Rifugio Capanna Passo Valles

Duration: 07:30 h
Distance: 17.8 km
Ascent: 1010 m
Descent: 980 m

Behind the Rifugio Contrin, at 2.016 m, take path n. 607 on the right. After passing a stream, cross the Lasté de Contrin until you reach a plateau. Here you go left, going up to a back of mountain rocks that divides two small valleys. Follow the trail until you reach a large sign that marks the fork with path n. 612. Continue along the steps that take you to the Cime Ciadine. Finally, you reach the saddle of the Cirelle Pass at 2,682 m. Descend the opposite slope towards Val da la Tas-cia. On the military road, cross the plateau of the Busc da la Tas-cia and then descend through switchbacks towards the valley where you will find Rifugio Fuciade, at 1,972 m.

From Rifugio Fuciade, a dirt road leads along the Fuciade valley. After 20 minutes you will reach the main road, which will lead you to Passo San Pellegrino. From San Pellegrino Pass, take path n. 658 in front of the ski lifts of Cima Uomo. Continuing the climb southeast through grassy ground, you will reach a ski slope and then you will see, at about 2300 m, the thin pastures of the High Gypsies (locally Zìnghen). Be careful not to lose track in case of fog!

From the saddle at an altitude of about 2300 m, you descend to the south with a fantastic view of the Civetta, the Pelmo, the Tofàne, and the Pale di San Martino. Follow the path up to Forcella Pradazzo, at 2220 meters. Still on path no. 658, you will reach Pradazzo Hut and then the nearby Vallès Pass, at 2031 meters. Here you will find RIfugio Capanna Passo Valles.

Rifugio Capanna Passo Valles

Rifugio Capanna Passo Valles

Rifugio Capanna Passo Valles - Rifugio Volpi al Mulaz

Duration: 03:40 h
Distance: 7.31 km
Ascent: 720 m
Descent: 210 m
From Valles Pass (2.032m.), the path 751 climbs on a narrow but well-marked track up to the Veneggia pass (2.217m). From Forcella Veneggia, continue left on a ridge and then on grassy slopes until you reach a small lake. Then follow the path to Veneggiotta Pass (2303 m) and continue until you arrive at the Fochet del Focobon pass (2,291m). When the path splits up, follow the one on the right. The path now becomes very steep, with several passages equipped with fixed ropes to facilitate the ascent of the rock blocks. Follow the trail up to Passo Arduni, at 2582m, and after a plain, you will reach the Rifugio G. Volpi al Mulaz (2571m.).

Rifugio Volpi al Mulaz

Rifugio Volpi al Mulaz

Rifugio Volpi al Mulaz - Rifugio Pedrotti alla Rosetta

Duration: 03:55 h
Distance: 6.91 km
Ascent: 640 m
Descent: 640 m
From Rifugio Mulaz, go briefly up to the west along the steep scree slope that descends from the Mulaz Pass and, at the junction, take Path n. 703 that leads to Forcella Margherita, at 2655 m. Follow the trek southwards to Passo delle Faràngole, 2932 m, the highest point of this route. After climbing over the fork you descend steeply towards Col de la Burèla. Continue southwards on the western side of Val delle Comelle. From Val delle Galline the path descends through very steep meadows with the help of some steel cables and leads to Pian dei Cantoni where, near a boulder, the beautiful Sentiero delle Comelle coming from Garès converges from the left. Follow the path until you reach the Rifugio "Giovanni Pedrotti" at Rosetta, 2581 meters.

Rifugio Pedrotti alla Rosetta

Rifugio Pedrotti alla Rosetta

Rifugio Rosetta - Rifugio Treviso

Duration: 06:55 h
Distance: 12.4 km
Ascent: 780 m
Descent: 1710 m

From Rifugio Rosetta, follow path no. 702 which descends into the wide Val di Roda surrounded on the left by the Cime di Roda, Pala di San Martino, and Immink, and on the right by the Cima Val di Roda with its numerous pinnacles. The path the descend to Col delle Fede. From here you reach the junction with path no. 715, which you will follow with the help of ladders and ropes up to the base of the saddle of Passo di Ball. Once you reach the saddle, the path descends towards Val Pradidali and the homonymous rifugio.

From Rifugio Pradidali, take path num. 709 to the north-east up to the fork with path num. 711, which you will follow on the right. Shortly after the fork, the ascent with fixed ropes requires the use of via Ferrata equipment. The path then continues on some rocky slopes to Passo delle Lede. From the pass, a steep descent takes you to Valon delle Lede. From the bivouac, continue the descent towards the bottom of Canali valley (at the crossroads it is better to take the left branch), and then follow a series of switchbacks on path 707 until Rifugio Canali-Treviso.

Rifugio Treviso

Rifugio Treviso

Rifugio Treviso - Passo Cereda

Duration: 03:25 h
Distance: 7.91 km
Ascent: 590 m
Descent: 880 m
From Rifugio Treviso (1631 m), follow path 718 to a grassy clearing called Campigol del Oltro. From here the path bends to the left (South-East) and begins to climb up the valley up to Forcella d'Oltro, at 2094 meters. From Forcella d'Oltro you descend through slopes and valleys to Rifugio Cereda (1361 m.).

Passo Cereda

Passo Cereda

Passo Cereda - Rifugio Bruno Boz

Duration: 06:20 h
Distance: 12.7 km
Ascent: 1060 m
Descent: 720 m

From the Cereda Pass, 1361 m, go east along the State Road 347 for about one kilometer to the village of Padreterno, 1302 m, where a small road branches off to the south and then turns east to the small village of Matiùz, at 1201 meters. A sign in Matiùz indicates to the south the continuation of the Alta Via delle Dolomiti n. 2. Once you reach the camping area, go uphill towards the southeast following the signs on the huts. After crossing the little white road, continue towards the south and enter a gorge. At the end of the climb, you will reach the Comedón Pass, 2067 m. After the pass, you enter the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park.

Now you descend to the west, past a saddle, until you reach Piano della Regina. After crossing the green oasis, you trek uphill and reach the Feltre Bivouac "Walter Bodo", at 1930 m. From the bivouac you continue south on path 801, soon meeting the junction with path n° 806. Remain on path no. 801. Follow the path to Col dei Béchi, at 1960 meters.

Here begins the Trói dei Caserìn (trói = narrow path) that goes west under the walls of Sass de Mura. At an altitude of about 1830 m, the path takes to the south-west, passes through the pastures of Casèrin, and reaches the Pass de Mura, 1867 m. Following the signs to the southwest, you soon reach the Rifugio "Bruno Boz", at 1718 meters.

Rifugio Bruno Boz

Rifugio Bruno Boz

Rifugio Bruno Boz - Croce d'Aune

Duration: 08:45 h
Distance: 19.2 km
Ascent: 820 m
Descent: 1540 m
From the Rifugio continue on the path n.801 until Passo Finestra, which will lead to Croce d'Aune. Cross the Piazza del Diavolo (Devil's Square) until Pass Busa di Pietena. Follow the path and cross Busa delle Meraveie until Rifugio Dal Piaz. The Rifugio Dal Piaz is the last rifugio of the Alta Via 2. It is at an altitude of 1993 meters and is located in the National Park of the Belluno Dolomites. The last stage of the AV2 starts at the Rifugio Dal Piaz with the path number 801 going down to Passo Croce d'Aune. The route is easy and gives the opportunity to enjoy the views of the Feltre Valley.
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Short Alta Via 2 (4 and 7 days)

Are your vacation days almost exhausted or don't feel like hiking for almost two weeks? At certain points, the Alta Via 2 intersects with civilization, and that allows you to hike shorter versions of the Alta Via 2 as well. A 4-day version of the Alta Via 2 starts just in Bressanone and ends at Passo Gardena. This includes the first four stages of the Alta Via 2. This route is less technical than the stages further down the route. From Passo Gardena, you can easily take a bus back to Bressanone. However, you can also continue hiking and make it a 7-day program. The 7-day program starts like the other Alta Via 2 options in Bressanone and continues up to and including another mountain pass, namely Passo San Pellegrino. This is also technically less demanding than the second part of the full Alta Via 2. Of course, good physical condition and experience with hiking is always a plus! Here you can find the itinerary for a 4-day Alta Via 2 and for the 7-day Alta Via 2 here.

Staying in Rifugios on the Alta Via 2: What Is the Accommodation Like?

As mentioned above, on the Alta Via 2 it is standard to spend the night in rifugios. In Brixen / Bressanone you will also find hotels of course, but on the route itself, apart from some passes, you will really only find these mountain huts. Overnight stays are always in rooms for 4 to 12 people. Most huts also have half board (breakfast & dinner) included in their price. The huts on the Alta Via 2 are very well-equipped and comfortable. Despite the differences in size and accommodation options, all huts offer a good night's sleep and tasty regional cuisine.

Staying in Rifugios on the Alta Via 2: What Is the Accommodation Like?

Not sure yet or want to discuss your plans for the Alta Via 2 with one of our trekking experts? Get in touch today and turn your dreams into memories!

Alta Via 2: Guided or Self-Guided?

Actually, both options are possible. If you don't feel sure about doing the trek on your own, you can hire a guide or join a group. If you have done this type of trekking route before and you are confident about your trekking experience, then you can go on your own, it is up to you. As explained above, the trail is well signposted and hundreds of trekkers complete the route every year without any assistance, so a self-guided trek is definitely possible.

Packing List for the Alta Via 2

It doesn't matter where you are trekking or for how long: Carrying the right equipment with you is paramount. For a hiking trip in the mountains, you will need, first and foremost, a good backpack. Its size will depend on how many days you will be spending in the mountains, the season, and the clothes you will be taking with you. We have prepared a packing list with some essential clothing that you should include and some extras that you may find useful:
  • Essentials

  • Extras

Safe Hiking Tips for the Alta Via 2

When you go on walking holidays it is wise to be aware of a few points. Even if this is not your first time, you should never underestimate the mountains. Good tour planning and compliance with the regulations on the mountains will significantly increase safety. To ensure that your hiking holiday is a safe and enjoyable experience, here below you can find a list of 8 recommendations for safe hiking in the mountains:
  • Know your limits

    Hiking the Alta Via 2 is the perfect outlet to escape from daily life. It is an endurance sport along with a beautiful nature experience with a positive effect on body and mind —as long as one is in good shape and has a realistic picture of one's possibilities and limits—. Never overestimate yourself or underestimate the route. Don't overdo it! Always choose the slower variant and take more time for your plans. Hiking under time pressure is not fun and at too fast a pace it can be dangerous. Be wise!

  • Plan carefully

    Good planning is half the work! Hiking maps, literature, the Internet and expert advice are invaluable when planning the route in the Alta Via 2 and enable you to determine the length, altitude difference, difficulty and conditions of the hike. When planning group treks, the itinerary should always be planned for the weakest member of the group! The weather in the mountains can change incredibly quickly and rain, wind and cold all increase the risk factor. For this reason, always check the weather forecast beforehand and contact our trekking experts to find your way around before you start.

  • Be fully equipped

    Equipment is everything. In the most extreme case, it makes the difference between life and death, and in any case, it definitely makes the difference between having fun and having a bad time. Food and water, sunscreen and waterproof and warm clothes must always be in your backpack, as well as a first aid kit and a mobile phone with a full battery (in case there is an emergency). However, packing light makes walking easier, so don't take too much extra luggage with you. Your equipment should always be suitable for the terrain you'll be hiking on in the Alta Via 2.

  • Wear suitable footwear

    Good walking shoes protect your feet and provide a better fit. Shoes with a good fit, with non-slip soles, water-resistant and lightweight are a must for additional walking pleasure during the Alta Via 2. Trail running shoes are great for a weekend in the mountains, but on longer hikes or more technical trails, you'll want at least A/B hiking boots. That means it is recommended wearing high mountain shoes that are water-repellent with extra ankle support to prevent sprains.

  • Stay on marked trails

    Alta Via 2 has endless marked hiking trails, which are controlled and maintained and should not be deviated from. It may be tempting, but it's not a good idea to take shortcuts or alternative routes through unmarked terrain. It increases the risk of disorientation and you're more likely to get lost and have accidents or fall in the mountains. Even steep slopes of packed old snow are often underestimated and dangerous. Are you in doubt? Better don't do it. For easy navigation we work with our trusted partner Komoot, whose interactive maps, also available offline, provide you with the necessary digital means to get from A to B. As a backup, make sure to bring a hiking guide or a paper map with you. FYI, 75% of stumbles occur due to carelessness on marked paths or roads, not in open terrain!

  • Take regular breaks

    Remember you're on a hiking holiday. Timely and regular breaks not only provide welcome relaxation but also make it possible to enjoy the Alta Via 2. The body needs a regular food and drink intake to maintain performance and concentration. Our advice is that if you have little time, it's better to follow the short itinerary than to speed up the long one.

  • Stay reachable

    If you are hiking solo or in small groups it is advisable to inform people back home about your plans, what route you are taking and when you plan to return. Even small incidents can lead to unpleasant emergencies so make sure you are available at all times. Bring a charged phone containing at least the phone numbers of immediate family members, your accommodations en route and the emergency phone numbers operating in the Alta Via 2.

  • Respect nature

    Leave no rubbish behind, prevent noise, stay on the marked trails, do not disturb wildlife or grazing animals, and respect protected areas.

Map of The Alta Via 2

Having a map is key during self-guided treks. An itinerary description is not enough. A compass is also a good idea. Most trekkers buy the Tabacco maps for the Alta Via 2, which have a clear and detailed description of the trail. You can buy the Tabacco maps online and even download them to your phone. You can also use Komoot, an app that allows you to create your own map.

Where Can I Book the Alta Via 2?

At you can book the self-guided Alta Via 2 and many other treks. We take care of all the details for you, including arranging accommodations and providing you with relevant information well in advance of your trek. Find our offers here. Our easy-to-use platform allows you to browse and compare different trekking options and find the perfect fit for your interests, abilities, and budget.

If you have any questions about a specific trek or need help choosing the right one for you, our team of trekking experts is here to assist you. Simply reach out to us and we will be happy to provide you with personalized recommendations and advice to help you plan the trekking adventure of a lifetime.

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